The Big Picture

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tidin Rennur

Streymoy, Faroe Islands

Church of Norðragøta, Faroe Islands

Sisselforever Here is a rough translation:
1. Time runs like current in a river, often may the waves fall,
I'm adrift on a little boat, without any oars.

2. And every moment and every hour towards the large waterfall I'm drawn,
my heart tightens, my spirit is heavy, where is a way out of this torment?

---not in here, but part of the original song---
 3. Which friend has the will and strength to help me towards land?
All are in the same trouble as I.         

4. One friend has the will and strength to save me from the isthmus;
Jesus can lead the little boat safely towards Heaven's sand.

---This last stanza is in the version of the song she is singing---
5. Time runs like the current in a river, forwards in the Lord's name!
I'm on a small boat, Heaven's beach ahead!

Lemonz1989  Thank you

1. Tíðin rennur sum streymur í á,
títt munnu bylgjurnar falla:
lítlum báti rekist eg á,
áraleysur at kalla.
2. (Og) hvør ein løta og hvør ein stund
at stóra fossinum dregur:
treingist mítt hjarta, tyngist mín lund,
hvar er úr neyðini vegur?
3. Hvør hevur vinur vilja og mátt
at bjarga mær til landa?
Allir (teir) eru á líkan hátt
staddir sum eg í vanda.
4. Ein hevur vinur vilja og mátt
at bjarga mær frá grandi;
Jesus kann føra mín lítla bát
trygt at himnasandi.
5. Tíðin rennur sum streymur í á,
fram í Harrans navni!
Lítlum báti eri eg á,
himnastrond fyri stavni.

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